
Fundación Liderar con Sentido Común


The goal of this program is to generate a network of volunteers who will fulfill the vision, mission, and objectives of the FLSC.

The idea is to transit through a path that begins with FEELING, and then, from THINKING, to reflect on matters which are now troubling people in their immediate square meter, and finally DOING. We will find and co-create possible solutions and bring them to each community where our leaders are located.

We will do so always throughout shared practices, encounters, and the construction of bridges that unite us. Within this area, we have prompted a pioneer and highly-demanded program. Its design is an innovation compared to traditional volunteers’ programs and it is structured in different phases. The first one is composed by six workshops on feeling, thinking and doing, which leads to a second phase in which the projects are outlined from the basis of this harmonic triangle.


Nuestros voluntarios trabajan desde…


el SENTIR, un espacio para compartir nuestro sentir y, a partir de ahí, construir pensamientos y acciones que nos lleven a lograr un nuevo mundo más humano, colaborativo, altruista y cooperativo.


el PENSAR, un espacio donde reflexionan sobre los temas que hoy aquejan a las personas, especialmente en su metro cuadrado, y que permitirán hallar caminos para encontrar / co-crear posibles soluciones;


… y el HACER, para llevar a cabo en cada comunidad donde se encuentren esas soluciones, compartiendo prácticas, construyendo puentes, etc.


A space where we share our feeling and, from this point, we build thoughts and actions that will lead us to achieve a more human, collaborative and altruistic world.

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A space for reflection on issues that plague people today, above all in the first square meter, to open paths to find or co-create possible solutions.

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To share practices and build bridges in the communities where these solutions are applied.

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