© 2023, FLSC Desarollado por Xoratom Fundación Liderar con Sentido Común.
People need new leaders who feel, think, and act in a conscientious, consistent, and responsible way in today’s turbulent world, with their eyes on preparing the future for generations to come. The Fundación Liderar con Sentido Común is working to find, motivate, and shape the new leaders our societies need.
We are living at the beginning of a new era where the digital revolution that has burst into our lives is leaving old institutions behind. It is time to rethink and co-create the new institutions we need, putting them in the hands of new social, economic, and political leaders, who are educated and aware and whose priority is putting people at the center.
Finding, motivating, and shaping women and men to become a new kind of leader, bringing them together into a leadership network, training them to invent first and govern afterward in institutions equipped for the future, with new ideas based on common sense, dialogue, and action in common, in order to build bridges and seal the cracks that divide us with the goal of making the Good Life available to all through the promotion of the Common Good.
Building bridges and bringing together leaders already engaged in innovative initiatives, who are changing paradigms and governance models in the public sphere, to create a Global Leadership Network that will humanize institutions to come and guide them through the twenty-first century in Spain and the rest of the world.
Coordinate and collaborate with leaders to organize encounters, promote dialogue, build bridges, forge ideas with common sense, seal the cracks that divide us, and heal the societal wounds that plague us in this explosive and convulsive period as the global governance model is changing.
Find and connect with leaders in the realm of new civil-political practices who are seeking to reinvent and reorient democratic politics to transform them into an integrated, inclusive, collaborative democracy centered on people.
Find and establish alliances with leaders seeking synergy between technology and politics in order to humanize digital resources and adapt democracy to the new realities of advanced technology.
On our own and in coordination with other leaders, building spaces for the education, training, and qualification of the new leaders our era demands, leaders capable of grasping and solving problems at the local as well as the global level.
Conectar y tender puentes entre los líderes que ya están tomando iniciativas innovadoras, que cambian paradigmas y modelos en el gobierno de lo público, para tejer con ellos una Red Glocal de Liderazgos que humanice y conduzca a las nuevas instituciones para el siglo XXI, en España y en el mundo.
En colaboración y coordinación con otros líderes, organizar encuentros, promover diálogos, tender puentes, encender ideas con sentido común, restaurar las grietas que nos dividen y restañar las heridas que socialmente nos sangran durante este explosivo y convulso interregno.
Ubicar y conectarse con los líderes de nuevas prácticas cívico-políticas, que buscan reinventar y resignificar la política democrática para transformarla en una democracia integral colaborativa, incluyente y centrada en la persona.
Localizar y establecer alianzas con líderes que estén buscando una sinergia entre tecnología y política, para humanizar las herramientas digitales y perfeccionar la democracia, adaptándola a la nueva realidad tecnológica avanzada.
Por cuenta propia o haciendo alianzas con otras instituciones, construir espacios de educación, habilitación y formación de los nuevos líderes que reclama nuestra época, capaces de plantear y resolver los problemas, desde lo local hasta lo global.
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