Fundación Liderar con Sentido Común



The observatory’s departure point is the need to develop a deep awareness of our society, which is experiencing a profound change at the institutional and socio-political levels as it transitions to an advanced digital world, so that ill-prepared leaders are not overwhelmed by the convulsive nature of the changes to come. Thus, it is of the essence to offer them the tools necessary to understand these changes and govern successfully while remaining constantly aware of the central role of people.


From this perspective, the Observatory develops social research which aim at deciphering the most deeply rooted feeling and emotions of citizens. These studies are carried out in different places where the Foundation is present and they contribute to the understanding of contemporary society, and make it possible to design and develop further actions in which leaderships work for the immediate square meter of the people.


This becomes a solid basis from where to develop the actions included in the Foundation’s mission, to motivate and shape women and men to become a new kind of leader, bringing them together into a leadership network, training them to invent first and govern afterward in institutions equipped for the future, all through the promotion of the Common Good.

Su directora Agustina López ha grabado este vídeo para contarte cómo funciona.
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